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A test from Livit by Nightingale Health increases your chances of many healthy years. With the help of your blood, you get a comprehensive picture of your heart, your mind,
your immune system and your metabolism.
Invaluable knowledge that increases your chances of many healthy years. Whether you should work on your diet, your exercise,
your sleep or your stress levels, this test will guide you to your future best SELF.
From a simple blood test, which you take yourself, Nightingale Health's technology will move you into your future and give you
an estimate of the number of healthy years in your life.
Based on hundreds of thousands of blood samples, hundreds of publications and unique test technology, you can see your future
health, unlike any other technology.
Take control of your future health today.
Healthy years are the estimated age that you are likely to live to before you suffer from a disease that significantly impairs your
quality of life. Up to 80% of the most common diseases can be prevented by making healthier choices in your daily life.
Among the people we have tested, the average woman lives 78 healthy years and the average man 74. However, people with the
most unhealthy lifestyle are expected to have up to 20 healthy years less than the average - and people with the healthiest
lifestyle up to 20 healthy years more than average. The difference can amount to 40 healthy years.
Whether you change your diet, exercise, sleep or stress level, Healthy Years will serve as your guide to your future health.
Improve heart health and minimize the risk of heart disease with Livit by Nightingale Health's unique results.
Resistance to heart disease - Your body's ability to avoid heart disease in the long run compared to people like you.
Heart Age - Your current heart health compared to your actual age.
Mental Elasticity shows you your ability to avoid severe depression and anxiety compared to people like you.